As part of our continued efforts to improve security and privacy for users of the Investate platform, property vendors and landlords can now use PhoneSafe technology to hide and protect their ‘real’ phone number from the public.

Protecting Your ‘Real’ Phone Number

Let’s say your ‘real’ phone number is 01234567890. Rather than advertise this number directly to the public on your property listing, we can mask it to a different phone number such as 01611234567. What this means is that when an interested party phones the masked phone number of 01611234567, it will automatically redirect to your ‘real’ phone number of 01234567890 via the Investate PhoneSafe spam filter.

But Why Use A Masked Phone Number?

Using a masked phone number instead of your ‘real’ phone number means that we can detect and intercept any spam callers before they get redirected to your ‘real’ number. This will protect property vendors from scammers and nuisance callers.

As soon as your Investate plan expires, the masked number is disposed of and nobody can contact you via this number in future. PhoneSafe technology is only available on premium Investate plans for property sales and lettings.


PhoneSafe Masked Phone Numbers