Thinking of selling your home? Then you have probably thought about all the tasks you need to do to prepare the home, make it appealing to potential buyers, and the wait that is involved with it. It can all seem quite daunting, especially if you’re looking for a quick sale. Thankfully, with a few adjustments to your selling tactics, a quick sale is definitely something that can be achieved.

First Impressions are Everything

Your home is being listed for the world to see, so make sure it is something that they would like right away. Take your pictures in the best light possible to show off all the house has to offer, and never assume minor details will go unnoticed. De-clutter a room and add some fresh-cut flowers before taking a picture. Fluff up cushions and pillows. Pull up weeds and mow the garden before taking that shot in front of the house. It is worth investing in minor things like planting colourful flowers, re-painting the front door and having a deep carpet clean.

If your home looks ready to be moved into, then it will peak buyers’ interest. Something that looks like a fixer-upper may delay your sale. Some sellers have even used professional photographers to get the best pictures possible.

For more tips on how to make those little home improvements to sell your house quickly, have a look at our blog 10 Home Improvements to Maximise Buyer Interest and also discover different ways to add value to your home.

Research into the Market

For a greater chance of a quick sale, it is important to know when the right time to list your home is. Take some time to do some market research to know where demand is. If buyer demand is high, then there is a better chance of not only selling your home quickly but at a good price too.

Talk to estate agents and look into the latest news surrounding housing to understand where the market is at. Even talk to your local council about any planned developments including homes, schools, businesses and transport links. These developments can help boost demand (and your pricing).

You should also see what buyers are looking for and try to implement them into your own home. Our blog on 10 Ways to Add Value to Your Home can help you appeal to buyers’ current interests.

Know When to List

Demand can be affected by the season too. The spring is generally a great time to put your house on the market, with the most buyers looking to move in these warmer months. This is a great time for sellers too as homes will look best in sunshine, greenery and colourful flowers blooming after the cold winter months! In the summer, things can slow down a bit more. Families tend to look to move at the end of the academic year and not during the holidays, so get that listing up as early on in the season as possible.

Things often look a bit better in the autumn. Families want to move and be settled before Christmas time. Don’t expect much interest to be shown during the period leading up to Christmas and the New Year, as this is the worst time of year for sellers. It would be best to wait until the new year at this point and hopefully get some interest. If you must list your home during a quiet period, there’s a better chance of receiving offers at less than your asking price.

Get an Accurate Valuation

You should know what your house is accurately worth before putting in on the market. High valuations may seem tempting to go with, but it won’t always help with a quick sale. Find out how much your home is worth in 5 simple steps. As part of this you will obtain a free valuation with Investate.

Hoping for that quick sale? Register with Investate to help! At Investate, we’ll advertise your property to millions of people within 24 hours of listing. Our pay-as-you-go pricing model makes it the convenient option to use with no commission or fixed fees, allowing you to make the most of your sale. Register today for your free home valuation and listing.

Create a Killer Listing

It’s important that your property listing instantly catches the imagination of the viewer.

What’s the first thing that people look at when browsing through property portals? You guessed it – it’s the photographs. So start by following these tips for better photography and make sure that you instantly engage the viewer. But that’s not all…

When we read a boring book we end up closing it before we get to the end of the chapter, and the book then becomes a coffee mat. With property listings you have a few paragraphs of opportunity to entice the viewer into making an enquiry. So read our article on writing better property descriptions to add more punch to your listings!

Tell Everyone

Don’t just list your property and hope that someone finds it. Get the word out to everybody you know that you are selling! Use the power of social media to tell friends and family and ask them to share the post. Shout from the rooftops! Tell your neighbours, co-workers, hairdresser and others to help spread the message. You never know who might hear about your home who happens to be in the market for one.