There may be multiple reasons why you are struggling to sell your home fast. Some of these reasons are out of your control, such as a struggling economy or a slumping property market! But other reasons can be remediated with some care and attention.

Priced Too High

Sometimes an estate agent will overvalue your property so that you list your home with them. It’s a cheap, underhand tactic that’s used to give property vendors a false sense of belief that their home will sell for more money. But whilst your property will be listed for sale, it probably won’t sell because it’s overvalued! Make sure you calculate an accurate valuation of your home if you want it to sell in the fastest time possible.

Mediocre Property Listing

Your property listing is the shop window. The first thing potential buyers look at is your property photography. If they like the look of your property, they will delve deeper into the property description and floor plans. If the quality of your photography is poor, or the description isn’t detailed enough and doesn’t engage the interested party, you may lose an important lead.

Poor Promotion

Make sure that your property is being advertised on portals that expose your property to millions of potential buyers. Investate advertise your home to millions of people for free. We also have a premium option. See our pricing page for more information.

Lacklustre Viewings

Sometimes when you get a property viewing it will be carried out by a lacklustre estate agent with no passion for the property or knowledge of the local area. This is why we recommend that you do the viewings yourself. You know your property and its location better than anyone, and you have the passion to sell your home and achieve a quick sale.

Poor Condition

Your home might be in desperate need of redecoration. The carpets may be badly worn. There may even be structural damage! (yikes). And whilst we don’t recommend selling your home in poor condition, every saleable asset has a price. If your home is in poor condition either repair it as necessary or price your home to reflect the condition of the property.

Gloomy Economy

An uncertain economy can always slow down the housing market, as can political unrest in general. Mortgage rates might be higher as a result of this, and hence not as many people are buying homes due to affordability factors. But you can still sell your home if the price is right. Remember that if you sell your home for less due to a gloomy economy, there is also scope to buy your new home for a reduced price too.

Buy-To-Let Difficulties

The additional rate of stamp duty on those buying second homes is another factor that is putting off would-be landlords. Add to this the changes to mortgage interest relief and a more extensive buy-to-let mortgage application criteria, and suddenly the prospect of purchasing a buy-to-let property becomes more daunting.