Guest Blogging We'd love you to write some content for us, but please read our guidelines first!

Thank you for your interest in writing a guest blog post for Investate.

We see guest blogging on our site as an excellent opportunity to engage and educate our audience on a broader range of subjects outside of our team's expertise.

We charge a nominal £25 to publish your guest post on our website. Please adhere to the following guidelines before submitting your guest blog post:

Guest Blogging Rules

- We only accept guest blog posts from related industries (conveyancing solicitors, property photography etc.)
- We only accept guest blog posts from reputable sources (do not send us requests from Gmail accounts, for example. Use your official company email address instead.).
- Guest blog posts are accepted at our own discretion.
- Guest blog posts must be between 500 and 2,000 words.
- Spell check your guest blog post before sending it to us, ensuring the content is free of grammatical errors.
- Do not submit plagiarised content. All content must be original.
- The article should be helpful, friendly and informative.
- The article should not include a sales pitch.
- Include at least one high-res image that we can legally host on our blog.
- You can include a maximum of 2 links back to your website.

Please email all guest blog submissions to: