Terms of Service Please ensure you read, understand and agree to these terms before using our site


These terms and conditions apply between you (the "user") and Alkane Solutions Ltd ("we", "our" or "us"), the owner and operator of www.investate.co.uk (our "site"). Please read these terms and conditions carefully, as they affect your legal rights. Our terms should be read in conjunction with the law of England and Wales and in particular, law of contract.

Your agreement to comply with and be bound by these terms and conditions is deemed to occur upon first use of our site. If you do not agree to be bound by these terms and conditions you should stop using our site immediately.

No liability is accepted or should be seen as being implied in relation to third parties employed by us and their actions or inactions. Nor should any liability be assumed in so far as our supplied Extras. No liability is accepted by us in any respect whatsoever where circumstances beyond its control may lead to any loss or inconvenience.

Extras and Plans

We operate monthly subscription payment plans. The fees for these plans vary based on the duration of the subscription and the services requested. We withhold the rights to amend these fees whenever they require. Updated fees will only affect new subscriptions and not existing subscriptions.

We provide additional Extras such as professional photography and floor plans. We withhold the rights to amend the fees for these Extras whenever they require.

Payment Methods

PayPal, credit and debit card payments are accepted for payments on our website.

Payments are processed by a company called Braintree, a PayPal company. We do not store payment information of any kind. All payment information for our users is stored securely in the Braintree vault. The payment system is PCI (Payment Card Industry) compliant and includes fraud protection.

Please read these terms carefully before using the online payments facility. Use of company’s online payments application on this website indicates your acceptance of these terms. If you do not accept these terms please do not use the online payments facility on this website.

The company cannot accept any liability if payment is refused, or declined, by the debit/credit card supplier. The company has no control over acceptance of card payments and any refusal of payment should be taken up with your card supplier.

Payment Issues

If you should have any difficulties with the payment process you can email us directly at support@investate.co.uk or alternatively use the form on our contact page

We, and any other third parties mentioned on this site, will not be liable for any damages arising out of the use, inability to use, or results of use of this site, any web sites linked to this site or any material or information contained on this site.

Sole Agency Agreements

We do not operate restrictive sole agency agreements or penalty fees. You are free to instruct other estate agents in conjunction with our service. No cancellation refunds apply.

Property Information

The user provides the content relating to their property listing. Each property listing submission will undergo a stringent review process by one of our teams before being published to property portals and our own search engine. We reserve the right to decline any submissions deemed to contain inappropriate, inaccurate and/or sub-standard content. These decisions are made purely at the discretion of our teams.

When a property is accepted and published by an team, it is inferred that since the user has selected a subscription plan and submitted the property listing for review that all the information related to the property is fit for purpose. By submitting the property listing for review you are also instructing us to advertise your property. We comply with the Consumer Protection Regulations 2008.

An Energy Performance Certificate is a legal requirement in England and Wales and must be in place and displayed with the ad listing within 7 days of the ad being published. A Home Report is a legal requirement in Scotland and is the responsibility of the property vendor to have in place before a property can be advertised for sale.

Email and SMS Notifications

We send notification emails to users when there has been activity such as, but not limited to, an offer on a property or a viewing request for a property. The email notifications are mandatory and users are unable to unsubscribe. We enforce these emails to maintain efficiency of communications between property vendors and consumers. By using this site you agree to receiving notifications via email. SMS notifications are optional and you can disable these at any time.

We have no financial stake and thus no liability is accepted on our part in respect of any third party services.

Additional Services

We will offer our users additional services such as mortgages, insurances, pensions, conveyancing, utility switching and other Extras from which Alkane Solutions Ltd may derive commission.

MWe have no financial stake and thus no liability is accepted on our part in respect of any third party services.


We may change these terms without notice at any time, so you should revisit these, and any other relevant pages, from time to time prior to further transactions to ascertain what terms of use you are agreeing to.

Information held on our website and elsewhere is intended for your general information and, as such, should only be treated as a guide. We have used all reasonable endeavours to ensure the accuracy and completeness of its website. It cannot give any representations, assurances, undertakings or warranties about the accuracy, correctness or fitness for purpose regarding the site or any website referred to by it (third party site).

We do not approve or endorse any information contained on any third party site and accepts no responsibility for this information or its content. We therefore accepts no liability in connection with any information held on a third party site.